
European projects .

That type of projects refers to Erasmus+ or Horizon projects, that are co-funded by the European Union. 

Emotional Education in schools .

The purpose of that project is the psychosocial support of students, the development of empathy and the accumulation of basic skills related to important matters such as: communication, self awareness, understanding, accepting, expressing and handling of emotions and decline of discriminative behavior.

Integrative athletics – inclusive training .

Athletes who suffer from mental disorders should be included in regular/ conventional teams. Consequently, acceptance of  “the different”, understanding, friendship, love and coexistence will be developed  in those “mixed teams” .

Performance psychology .

This sector of psychology includes Sport and Industrial psychology and aims to maximize an individual’s performance. The main purpose is to optimize psychological factors, which have positive impact on human performance. Performance psychology focuses on improvement of self efficacy , esteem goal setting, stress management , increase of motivation. This field, is positive associated with success.

ADHD adults training .

That type of training addresses to adults who have ADHD and aims to educate them to accept, manage and improve the disorder in order to be more functional in their daily life. It also addresses to, coaches and teachers , by educating them to handle appropriate cases of ADHD.

Parental training .

That type of training refers to educate groups of  parents the appropriate techniques to maximize the results of individual’s trials. Support, guidance and managing skills are provided.