UpCare: Simulation Training of parents in Acharnes, Athens

On October 30, 2023, the Municipality of Acharnes, in collaboration with Ethos HUB, Horizon, and MUSOL, hosted a simulation training for parents as part of the UpCare project. This training was specifically aimed at parents of primary school children (ages 6–12), providing them with tools to identify and address gender-based violence and violent behaviors in children.

The training was conducted by local health professionals acting as “mediators”—psychologists, social workers, nurses, and others—who had completed the 50-hour UpCare training to become facilitators. These professionals guided parents through various aspects of child development, violent behaviors, and parental strategies.

The training was termed “simulation” because it involved a structured discussion of eight thematic areas, each designed to last approximately two hours at a full training program:

  1. Developmental characteristics of 6-9 year old children
  2. Developmental characteristics of 9-12 year old children
  3. Behaviors of school children with violent content for the age period 6 – 9 years old
  4. Behaviors of school children with violent content for the age period 9 – 12 years old
  5. Causes and Consequences of Violence at home and at school
  6. Discipline vs Punishment: Which is More Effective?
  7. The example of the parent
  8. The profile of the effective parent
The training material is available in both greek and english on the UpCare website: https://www.upcare.gr/ 

Upskilling social care professionals in local authorities to prevent gender based violence – UpCare (Erasmus+ 2022-1-EL01-KA210-VET-000082477) is a project co-funded by the European Union. It is a partnership between Ethos HUB, Horizon: Center of Research, Technology & Innovation, Fundación MUSOL and the Municipality of Acharnes, with the coordinator being Ethos HUB.